The Clarkson Brand

The Clarkson Brand

About Clarkson

As a private, national research university, esball国际平台客户端是通过教学促进技术教育和可持续经济发展的领导者, scholarship, research and innovation. We ignite personal connections across academic disciplines and industries to create the entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and intellectual curiosity needed to innovate world-relevant solutions and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow. 我们的主校区位于波茨坦, New York, 以及在纽约首都地区增设esball国际app项目和研究设施, and Beacon, New York, Clarkson educates 4,在95个严格的工程项目中,有超过5000名学生, business, the arts, education, sciences and health professions. 我们的校友薪水在全国排名前2%,并实现了加速的职业发展. 五分之一的人已经是公司的首席执行官、高管或老板.

Clarkson Brand Colors

我们的颜色是esball国际平台客户端品牌标识的重要组成部分. 我们对我们的核心颜色——绿色和金色——感到非常自豪. Clarkson's favorite flower.


Contact Us

Kelly O Chezum, '04 MBA, DLP
333 Science Center
Box 5500
Phone: 315-268-4483

The @ClarksonUniv Brand Story


我们是esball国际平台客户端黄金骑士队. The simple heraldry of the Clarkson family shield reflects the grounded confidence Clarkson graduates derive from an all-in education that ignites the personal connections across academic fields and industries to create the entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and intellectual curiosity needed to innovate world-relevant solutions and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow. Graduates earn salaries that are among the top two percent in the nation and realize accelerated career growth. 在我们43,000多名校友中,五分之一的人已经担任公司的首席执行官、高级管理人员或老板.

以我们的名字命名的托马斯·S. Clarkson, "无须羞愧的工人,” was the motto chosen when our doors opened in 1896 as a new kind of school that blended a technology-rich curriculum with liberal education to meet the real needs of the American people. Today, as a private, national research university, we are a proven leader in technological education and sustainable economic development through teaching, scholarship, 研究和创新,为我们的全球世界创造更美好的未来.

#ClarksonIgnite是我们探索、创造和实现未来的催化剂. 这是每位金骑士的行动号召,也是我们在开放环境中快速跟踪创新的框架, University-wide environment. With powerful intentionality, we collide disciplines, spark intellectual curiosity and give every student and their teams the tools to pursue solutions to industry challenges, 市场需求和个人目标. 学生磨练创业思维, 在快速发展的经济中,可转移到未来职业的技能和经验. esball国际平台客户端的创新中心提供全校范围的服务, 为创新和创业企业提供高度个性化的支持网络. We provide collaborative makerspaces and laboratories across the University to roll up our sleeves to firsthand defy convention and push beyond the status quo.

有关大学品牌及新标志及字体的使用资料, 请给我们的市场部打电话315-268-4153, and we'll be glad to help.


esball国际平台客户端毕业生的薪水在全国排名前2%. Brookings Institution named Clarkson among the top 10 universities nationwide to maximize student earning potential.

据说没有人是偶然来到esball国际平台客户端的. We would agree.  

In fact, we would say that the talented and ambitious scholars we attract choose Clarkson with the intentionality and purpose that characterizes our founding mission and propels us to the enviable position we occupy today — a leading national research university that is the destination of choice for tomorrow’s scientists, engineers, educators, entrepreneurs, business people, 卫生专业人员和富有想象力的领导者.

People who want to lead with purpose and find solutions choose Clarkson to get what no other university is delivering in the same way, 以同样的规模——一种拓展商业边界的变革性学习精神, engineering, 每个专业的学生都需要科学和技术. Our graduates earn among the highest salaries in the nation because they gain rigorous experience honing the mindset and skill sets needed to make sense of complex systems, ignite connections across people and disciplines and develop creative solutions to today’s most vexing challenges.  

Like our graduates, the University is also at the forefront of innovation — in the extension of our campus footprint in a corridor from Potsdam to New York City and points in between, 我们的标志性研究领域的扩大和我们的校友和行业网络的增长. Through this growth, 我们促进终身学习和经济发展,创造社会财富.  


Ignite. Invest. Ensure.



esball国际平台客户端的每一个阶段, 你将是esball国际平台客户端使命的接受者和捐助者.

我们的品牌——点燃, Invest, Ensure — represent the basic attributes that we strive to responsibly associate with Clarkson for every student, alum, faculty, 大学的职员及伙伴. When these three themes are combined with your tangible stories that reinforce how you are part of elevating the Clarkson story with audience-defined benefits and outcomes, 我们创造了一系列戏剧性的关键信息,这些信息对我们的受众来说既相关又重要.


esball国际平台客户端是一个高度协作的社区,点燃了跨领域的联系, industries and cultures. When you come to Clarkson, you instantly join a robust and active network that values the personal contributions of each member — students, alumni, faculty, 社区成员和企业合作伙伴都一样. To think, act and lead globally, we span disciplines to find new solutions and deepen our respect for the diversity of our University community. 


We develop innovative programs and research portfolios in partnership with business and industry to explore, 创造并实现更美好的未来. 我们投资于人才、创意和esball国际平台客户端. 我们付出时间、资源和善意来推动未来. 


We are all Golden Knights who commit to living the Clarkson Values and sharing our success as a model of these ideals. 通过我们个人成就和慷慨的遗产, we ensure the next generation has the same opportunities to create a better world for themselves and society.


From faculty to undergraduates, 我们追求跨学科的研究心态, 快速解决现实世界问题、创造更美好未来所需的技能和求知欲.

Healthy Global Solutions

我们家后院有广阔的阿迪朗达克公园, 我们秉承我们的传统,创造最终保护空气的全球解决方案, water and habitats. Interdisciplinary faculty teams collaborate across fields to reduce public health threats from environmental contamination and lack of medical care, 同时积极地将环境问题纳入最佳管理实践. 我们制定能源政策和技术,从而创造可持续的基础设施, 智慧社区和社会安全.  


Spanning all of our schools, 研究机构和行业合作伙伴, we easily cut across disciplines to understand the associations within complex multimodal data sets from countless sources and settings ranging from modern sensor technologies, 富计算工程, to social media analytics. 我们在动力系统方面的优势导致了从数据中学习的创新, sensors and controls, 商业智能和金融技术, and artificial intelligence.

Advanced Materials Development

与工业和国家实验室合作, 我们的专家正在解决电子领域面临的下一波挑战, aeronautics, biotechnology, health, safety and security, mechanical systems, energy generation and storage, and manufacturing technology. 我们在定制材料设计方面的创新, synthesis and modeling, 功能材料与器件, sensors and sensing systems, 药物管理和诊断工具, 材料采购和供应链提高了生活质量, 加速技术绩效并确保可持续的管理实践.


我们的全球世界现在和今后几十年都面临着人类健康方面的重大挑战. At Clarkson, 我们采用创新预防技术的新方法, detecting and treating disease, 包括治疗策略以及改变我们如何赚钱的策略, entrepreneurial, social and ethical decisions. Our close affiliations with organizations like the renowned Trudeau Institute and The Mount Sinai Hospital put us at the forefront to lead new healthcare innovation, management and access.  


Spanning Boundaries

在这里,最具创造性的解决方案是通过有意的学科碰撞找到的. 从人文学科到商业, engineering to health sciences, and digital arts to bioethics, 在esball国际平台客户端跨越边界利用我们的集体智慧和燃料创新.

Expanding the Field of Play

Our scholar-athletes, 以及学术和商业竞争对手, carry the same mind, heart, 他们为课堂上的任何竞争带来的力量和激情.

Practical Rigor

我们做每一件事都有强烈的意图、目的和完成任务的职业道德. 在这里,它是esball国际平台客户端将我们的想法付诸行动,并在此过程中有所作为.

Collaborative Competition

终点线的竞争不需要以牺牲团队为代价. 我们是一个共同取得更大成就的社区.

Failing Forward

Success is often hard-won. 创新之路包括从早期的失败中吸取教训,继续前进. We welcome experimentation because we know it cultivates independent thinkers who can tackle any challenge.

Transformative Impact

Clarkson changes people. 不管我们造成的影响有多大, it is personal and cultural transformation through experiences that shape the mindset and skill sets that set us apart.

Systems Thinkers

像工程师一样思考是有好处的. Our students are in demand because they learn how to match the circumstances and known rules to make sense of complex systems, understand how problems arise, 寻找机会,创造创造性的解决方案.

Adirondack Incubator

This corner of the world we call home has always been a talent magnet for bright minds who care about the big picture and the big mountaintop views we enjoy. 我们对阿迪朗达克公园和它的商业和谐有一种情感联系, 公共政策和自然环境. 它是我们创新的发射台,现在延伸到esball国际平台客户端走廊.


Our students’ aspirations are nurtured through close community support and one-on-one faculty/student mentorships — relationships that often last a lifetime.

America’s Corporate Partner

我们已经与国内一些最大的行业参与者建立了合作关系. It is a list that grows exponentially alongside our expanding geographic footprint and creates a remarkable professional network.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

我们是一个由开拓者组成的社区——有创造力的领导者,他们不怕冒险, seize opportunities, get ideas noticed, 调集资源,重新开始.

Inclusion for Diversity

We believe that anyone who shares our ethos for a boundary-stretching education and a rolling up of the sleeves “to do innovation” belongs right here. 通过包容,我们建立了多样性.

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